Monday, April 30, 2007

Get to Know Matt Nielson

Great weekend for References to Salavdor Dali Make Me Hot. People are starting to come and see what is a very special theatrical experience. People I trust hugged me and whispered in my ear how it is the best play they have seen in a long time.

I said to one person that Rorschach really isn't known for our two people dealing with very real emotion shows, she replied but when you guys do you dive right in. This is such a wonderful show and I am kind of sad you only have two more weekends to experience the magic. Part of that magic comes in the form of some amazing Sound Design. When we started this show their were no Helen Hayes winning designers working on it and now we have Matt Nielson. Matt has worked at a variety of big name theaters around town but he is not above coming and playing at our tea party. Here is Matt and his answers to Get to Know.

Here is my survey!

1. What is your job in References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot?

Sound Designer

2. Have you ever worked for Rorschach before and how?

I was the sound designer on A Bright Room Called Day

3. Do you have any recurring dreams and if so what are they about?

I dream that I’m working all the time. And then I wake up and find that I’m working all the time.

4. Other than Dali which painters turn you on?

Gerhard Richter, but I do love getting lost in a good Escher.

5. Have you been doing any special research for the show?

Yes, but most of it was handed to us by our lovely dramaturg.

6. Who is the biggest celebrity you have ever met and how?
I got to work on The Seagull with the New York Shakespeare Festival, and that was a celebrity-fest. I think my favorite though was Christopher Walken. It’s really difficult to do a Christopher Walken impression once you hear Christopher Walken doing Christopher Walken.

7. In a steel-cage-no-holds-barred-death match which character in Dali would win?

The Moon, of course. Unless Martin keeps making that humpy motion with his torso. That’s devastating.

8. What is the most impossible thing that happens in the play?

Benito’s line “The war was a fluke. There will never be another one in my life”. Impossible.

9. If you could live inside of any painting what would it be?

I feel like I’m living inside a painting all the time.

10. If you had a theme song what would it be?

It changes constantly, but I think currently it’s Swing Low by Rocco DeLuca & the Burden


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