It turns out that Jean Ann's talents extend beyond the world of set dressing and distressing and into the world of dance. She was patient and kind and allowed us to find the movement with our lines. Here is one in a dwindeling number of Get to Know Me pieces. Unless Yasmin would like to write something soon. Enjoy!
1. What is your job in References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot?
I am the Props Designer/Movement Consultant. If you prefer alliteration, maybe: Cobbler/Choreographer?
2. Have you ever worked for Rorschach before and how?
Nope. I am new to the area, and new to Rorschach.
I used to have a recurring dream where I was inside an Alpha-Bits cereal commercial, except everything was black, green, and purple, like a film negative. I would wander around, lost, and ask large cereal letters for directions. My dreams of late still involve me being lost, but in a twenty-something, quarter-life crisis kind of way.
4. Other than Dali which painters turn you on?

5. Have you been doing any special research for the show?
I've been reading the Rorschach Blog...
6. Who is the biggest celebrity you have ever met and how?
I downed a few glasses of red wine (read: liquid courage) and told Chuck Mee that his plays (specifically, The Trojan Women: A Love Story) were what inspired me to become a theatre artist. He was very sweet, and told me a story about the premiere of The Trojan Women, which Tina Landau directed on a dock in Manhattan. There was a big thunder and lightening storm on opening night, and they performed anyway. Apparently, they wrapped all of the speakers and lights in plastic, but they all got soaked and shorted out. Mee said with a glint in his eye that all of the techies gave up, sat beside the stage and wept for most of the play. He's the coolest man alive.
I also met Willem Dafoe when I was interning at the Wooster Group. He was marching around the office singing a song at the top of his lungs about his wife that I am pretty sure he was making up as he went along. It was fairly early in the morning, I had not consumed any glasses of liquid courage, so I introduced myself and stammered something stupid, and he was back to singing and ignoring me before I finished a sentence.
7. In a steel-cage-no-holds-barred-death match which character in Dali would win?
I think everyone would be so busy fighting over Gabriela, that she could sit in the corner of the steel cage and file her nails, and breezily come out the victor.
8. What is the most impossible thing that happens in the play?
Impossible is in the eye of the beholder.
10. If you had a theme song what would it be?
"Hey Ya." Shake it like a polaroid picture.
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