Monday, May 15, 2006

First Read of Arabian Night

I will be posting three times today, because there is just so much to say. Later today look for our second to last company member profile of Ms. Tracy Lynn Olivera. And I will also be giving a report on this weekends performances of A Bright Room Called Day with some new pictures I just received from Colin Hovde. But first thing is first as they say, and since First Reads are rarer than performances we will begin at the beginning of our next big thing, Arabian Night. I gave you a run down on the show on Thursday so scan down if you want more details. Here I will simply provide you with some of the sights of First Read in director Jenny McConnell Frederick's apartment on Saturday afternoon. First to your left please note Jessica Hansen and Matt Dunphy. This picture of Matt should make regular reader Ellen happy for at least a couple of days and Jessica isn't hard on the eyes either.

Nelina Giridhar found the energy to come to rehearsal Saturday afternoon after doing what all good Non-Equity actors do in order to stay alive, working a day job. In Nelina's case it is really a night job bar tending and she actually got to bed sometime around 5 a.m. that morning. Please note the glazed look the protruding tounge and the lack of any muscular control. I hope this picture fully demonstrates what can happen when the arts are not funded properly and young women like our Nelina are forced to show up around 12:30 p.m. after working all night. Please give generously the next time we ask so we can pay our actors, crew and designers a living wage.

Here we have "Little Timmy" Getman Company Member and now set designer, talking to Yvette Ryan our costume designer. You may remember Yvette's designs from Behold! last season. Both of them are damn ambitious. I don't want to give too much away right now but Mr. Getman is talking duplex in Casa. I usually kid when I say our sets might kill someone, this time I am not sure whether I should be kidding about it. Only time will tell but if it does what he and Jenny want it to do, there will be some pretty intense moments just involving the set.

This final picture is my personal favorite. I share grapes with Company member and lighting designer David Ghatan. Now some people are put off by one man feeding another man grapes and those people are bigots and I don't want to have anything to do with them. If a man wants to feed a designer grapes it is his own business and no one should judge lest they be judged. Besides he kept saying it was one of the perks described in his contract and I was too tired to argue.

Well ladies and gentlemen that is just a taste of the next big thing here at Rorschach. Check in later for more about Bright Room and the 411 on Tracy. Until later, bye!

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