Thursday, May 04, 2006

Express-ions of Love

Well once again thank you to our friends at the Express. Big color picture, lots of adjectives and one or two misspellings but there we are with a big color picture of Lindsay and Ellen. There are so many times that you want to shout about a show from the roof tops so that everyone knows how truly important it is, well you only annoy the neighbors and like 10 maybe 20 people hear you. See when they run it in a newspaper, even if it is a free newspaper that most people only take out of reflex or to start Sodukus they will never finish, tens if not dozens of people will read and learn.

Also we get another stellar review. This time the love comes from Lisa Traiger at Washington Jewish Week, click here for the full review. Lisa says:

While the work is two decades old, it retains its particular currency. That adventurous, modest Rorschach Theatre does this work justice is no surprise. Even on a shoestring and in an unusual location, the former worship space in the original Calvary Methodist Church, now Casa Del Pueblo's Sanctuary Theatre. Rorschach's first-time director Rahaleh Nassri works wonders with a complex script. Aided by a strong cast, helmed particularly by Allen's restrained and confused Agnes, the ensemble speaks truth to the powerful words Kushner penned. -Lisa Traiger - Washington Jewish Week

Three shows this weekend and you should be coming to one of them. I say this because there will be a part of you that will want to see this play again. And that would leave you just two more weekends to get a group of 5 or 10 of your closest friends together to share the experience.

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