Friday, July 27, 2007


As the days dwindle down to a precious few . . .

Don't know why I have been quoting song lyrics this week. Maybe my brain taps into the song lyric portion when the temps rise and my creativity goes down. Or perhaps birds just makes me want to sing, like . . . well a bird.

There are so few things in this life that we can truly say are unique experiences. Watching a live performance is one of those things. No two productions are ever the same. No two performances in those productions is ever a carbon copy. And there are moments of magic and wonder that occur every night in that space between the performers and the audience that can never be recorded or recreated. When a show is gone it is most certainly gone.

As an art form theater is perhaps the most temporary. Even in dance choregraphy is transcribed and reproduced. One director can never recreate a production exactly. I know that recordings are made and some performances are recreated on film, but theater in the truest sense is the synthesis of script and performance. Words and speaker. Audience and performer. Each show is a snow flake and melts just as fast.

Before birds closes on Sunday at 3pm. I just want to take an opportunity to thank all of you who have taken the time to support new theater. I don't just mean the actors, director, playwright, producers, designers and run crew. I mean all of you who came to Casa and paid your money and spent your time learning something new about yourselves and the world around you.

I take pride in knowing that Rorschach isn't just sitting back taking the easy way and producing shows that are easy to digest and will go down like a cool drink of water, but that we are giving you things that are little harder to chew and swallow, with the hope that you will enjoy the meal more for the work that it requires not just of us but of you as well.

Seats are still available for tonight and tomorrow at 8pm and Sunday at 3pm. Don't miss the chance to fill your belly with the good stuff. Enjoy the trailer one last time.

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