"When a vengeful fictional character steps out of the pages of Shakespeare and into modern Manhattan threatening death and destruction, who in the world can save the day? A dramaturg." - Nelson Pressley in The Washington PostSort of has a "who you gonna call?" vibe to it. We haven't had this quick a turn around on a review in the Post like ever. And what a good review. Here is the link to read all of the goodness about Rough Magic. But please pick up the print edition so you can see Grady's head in all of its four color glory in the Style Section.
The show opened wonderfully on Saturday night. Lots of people kept coming up to me at the after party and saying what a blast they had. And I think that without a doubt this show is a blast. Balls out battles between good and evil, a sexy, sexy cast, and amazing design all add up to an evening of Rorschach. I think most of you know what I mean when I say Rorschach, the rest of you will just have to come out and find out for yourselves.
More of these reviews will be coming in, but it is nice to get the one that everyone reads under
our belts and know that we got some love out there for us already.
The show is back this Thursday night at 8pm. And just a reminder to you love birds out there, who are in need of a date for your sweetie, we have a Valentine's Day show. What could be more romantic on a V-Day than a night out with your honey at the theater? And with what you save on the tickets, you can spend it on dinner or dessert toppings.
Just as a note of warning, we have already had to turn folks away at the door for this show. Our last PWYC Preview, was sold out and we had to turn away about 20 people. As many of you know from Master and Margarita and The Beard of Avon, when a Rorschach show sells out in previews, you won't be able to stroll-up and see if we have any seats left, so book your tickets now.