We finally got to work together on a little show called Woyzeck for a competing theater company and then she came over to play a 10 year old boy in Lord of the Flies for Rorschach. After that came A Clearing in the Woods and then Family Stories: A Slapstick Tragedy. We are once again working together at at a different competing theater company right now and she has once again proved why she is one of my favorite actors in town. She knows how to play and she can hold her own with the show boating male folk in this town, and surpasses even this old grandstander.
I give you Ms. Maggie Glauber and if you ever get the chance ask her about the French-Canadian Nuns. (This is actually a link to a Simpson's web site that tells of the Simpson's connections to Canada, it was so weird I had to link it.)
1. Place of birth?
Louisville, KY- yes, the home of KFC, The Kentucky Derby, Bourbon and me.
2. First experience in theater?
My first experience was as The Wise Old Owl in our first grade play. My line was "Who, who, not all is as it seems." How true. And then one of the flowers threw up.
3. Where you went to school?
Northwestern University- Evanston, IL
For those from da 'ville- Atherton High School
4. What do you do?
Actor and raisers of funds and former hostess of closing night parties.
5. What was your first experience with Rorschach?
This nice guy named Scott McCormick, National Players Tour 49 & 50, invited Elizabeth Darby

6. Company member you would most like to be if you were not yourself?
Geez, this is why I put this off for so long. I wish I could build things and drink like a fish like Timmy the G, McCormick has an awesome voice, Lauren has the best smile, Lindsay's ability to exude love and her asking me to give John a lift home, Randy "Cha Cha" Baker tells the best stories of back when he was in high school in Singapore, Karl's brilliance, Grady's focus, Jenny's ability to use sock puppets, oh the list goes on and on. I think next time we should do senior superlatives.
7. Some story about working on a Rorschach play that either made you laugh or touched you deeply?
Evan Casey, my twin brother in Lord of the Flies, commenting on how long his hair was after I had just cut off 5-6 inches of hair to look more like a boy, makes me laugh now.
I have always been moved by the message Matt Soule spray painted on the set of Family Stories in serbian/croatian/bosian. Excuse my political incorrectness.
8. Where do you think Rorschach will be in the next ten years?
In a permanent found space- please DC Govt, give them a space!
9. What is your favorite Rorschach show that you were not in?
The Beard of Avon and Master and Margarita (Where I met my future husband, John Horn)
10. Scott McCormick harmless adolescent or world conquering super villain?
Ask him about his super hero making site. It is pretty cool.
Wow! This is a really talented actress!
Acting is an art.Really this actress performance is extraordinary.congratulations for your bright future.
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