What does she do for Rorschach you might ask? Well aside from giving us that touch of class we so desperately need from time to time, she is the one who helps gather the hordes together for auditions. She sits down with directors and producers and helps comb through the headshots and resumes that are gathered over the course of several years of League Auditions and people mailing their stuff to us directly and helps creates the list of men and women who then get brought in for us to judge, critique and hopefully cast one or ten of them. This not the easiest of jobs and sometimes people don't realize how hard it is to really like someone as a person and a performer and just realize you can't call them in because their is nothing right for them in a particular show.
Confession, if she wasn't about to marry a terrific guy, I would probably crush on her big time. But what can you do? Ms. Lauren Hyland everybody!
1. Place of birth?
Trenton, New Jersey
2. First experience in theater?
Played Auntie Em in my first grade class production of The Wizard of Oz. I was pissed that I got beat out for Dorothy by a girl with blond hair. SO unrealistic, I'm sure no one bought it.
3. Where you went to school?
University of Maryland
4. What do you do?

Television Producer, Casting Director, ex-Stage Manager
5. What was your first experience with Rorschach?
Running box office for the Hairy Ape- and then they never let me leave.
6. Company member you would most like to be if you were not yourself?

7. Some story about working on a Rorschach play that either made you laugh or touched you deeply?
Everything about Rorschach makes me laugh or cry. Often at the same time.
8. Where do you think Rorschach will be in the next ten years?
9. What is your favorite Rorschach show that you were not in?
God of Vengeance for the costumes or lack thereof, The Illusion for helping me sweat off 10 pounds just by sitting in the audience, Family Stories for breaking my heart and putting it back together in one night. But overall, Beard of Avon and The Hairy Ape are tied for first place as my personal favorites.
10. Scott McCormick harmless adolescent or world conquering super villain?
Ego and alter-ego.
1 comment:
So, I am finally reading these and they are great Scott.
Addictive. Like crack.
Keep 'em coming.
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