Just as we at Rorschach have moved into our new digs at the Atlas Peforming Arts Center, so too has our blog. Find blog entries HERE on our brand spanking new website!
We will keep this blog around as a historical record of Rorschach behind the scenes so you can always check back here for classics like our "get to know you" series to our audience interaction discussion. Just take a look at the posts from October 2005 and prepare to be entertained.
And check us out on our new blog.
More importantly check out our shows at the Atlas so you can see stuff like this:

1 comment:
That's gotta tell you something. The fact I wanted the most was Diet Gummies. Yeah, and they'll give you a good excuse also. I was assured this all I had to do was find a Diet Gummies. The fact is that they do not have a Fat Burner with a Weight Loss Gummies. Where do we begin? Well, my soul mate says, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck."
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