Monday, May 07, 2007


Two curtain calls! While it is one of those things that all actors want, we hardly ever prepare for them. On both Friday and Saturday night there was such love from the audience that they sustained their applause and we returned to the stage for an extra bow. It felt kind of sweet.
The final weekend is looming and to have that kind of love flow your way from an audience. The funniest moment I think is because it is the actors who have to make the call on whether to go back out for the extra bow, you have sort of a conflicted feeling. Some of you stand there believing the clapping will die down and others are looking at one another wondering what the hell to do. And then it just keeps going and you make the run for the stage. And since you have never planned for a second curtain call no one is quite sure of where to stand or which way to bow.
It is kind of frickin' cool!
Just 5 shows left and References to Salvador Dali . . . is gone.


Unknown said...

Or, as Tom Robbins would say (and Dali would agree) after just five more performances the show is: Indigo, Indigoning, Indigone.

SAS said...

hip hooray
missing you all