Thursday, March 29, 2007

Get to Know Gabriela Fernandez-Coffey

In an attempt to improve the quality of our lead actress's performance Shirley decided to to hire an actress named Gabriela to play Gabriela. Cuts down on the confusion when you call the actor by the character's name when the actor is actually reacting to their own name. Saves hours in the rehearsal process and you never have those awkward moments when the actor says, "I don't know who I am any more, am I the character or am I me?"

I ask people to not stress about being funny in these interviews. Gabriela on the other hand has done something special and makes her interview sexy.

I have mentioned before that this is a sexy, sexy show and a big part of that vibe comes from Miss Gabriela herself.

Since this is Gabriela's first Rorschach show I think those who have not seen her around town will be pleasantly surpised when you get your first taste of the talent that is Gabriela Fernandez-Coffey. She starts the whole thing off with a little note to me:

Sr. Scott McMoon,
here are some answers to your fun questions. see you saturday.

i pretend to be gabriela.
2. Have you ever worked for Rorschach before and how?

no señor. primera vez. muchas gracias por la oportunidad.
3. Do you have any recurring dreams and if so what are they about?

mostly about the ocean--big power of big waves. deep water - fighting the sea - crazy currents. in the last of the series, i took a journey from this tiny deserted island in a rickety boat I built from wooden planks, over these monstrous skyscraper-sheer cliff waves, where my stomach would drop out like a roller coaster every time i came down the other side. it turned out i just had to go around the corner to get back to a mainland. there was a dock and small white stone houses. everything felt a little deserted in the mainland. but cozy deserted. i had to find someone. it felt good to be there. and i was proud of my rickety boat. and proud of the journey on the waves.

4. Other than Dali which painters turn you on?
paintings turn me on. and paint-stained hands.

5. Have you been doing any special research for the show?
"special research" hmmm....between youtube and jackie's dramaturgical book of revelations, this show has been awesome insta-information-at your fingertips. Think-Blink-and you shall receive. but there's also the other research... that takes place in the space between people... and that is mystery. and that is special. and gathering THAT special research has no words and is full of wonder.

6. Who is the biggest celebrity you have ever met and how?
i don't like celebrity. i will tell you about my grandmother though. her skin was dry and soft like old, scented kleenex. she didn't like it when i climbed trees, but would get "distracted" long enough for me to climb at least a little.

7. In a steel-cage-no-holds-barred-death match which character in Dali would win?

"...the love stupid."

8. Who do you kiss in the show?
my neighbor
my husband and
my friend, the moon.
(in no particular order)

9. If you could live inside of any painting what would it be?

probably the one i'm painting in my mind.

10. If you had a theme song what would it be?

And for the actors what would your characters theme song be? hmmm... i can't have a theme song...unless it is a jukebox. Can I have a theme-jukebox? and my character's theme song... ???... damn. Can i ask Jackie?


SAS said...

What a hot cast we have.

DCepticon said...

Well everyone except the moon is hot. I tend to think of him as being more dashing than hot. But who am I to argue with SAS?

Anonymous said...

¡Oh Salvador Dalí de voz aceitunada!
Digo lo que me dicen tu persona y tus cuadros.
No alabo tu imperfecto pincel adolescente,
pero canto la firme dirección de tus flechas....

desde España....gracias, gabriela

Anonymous said...

¡Oh Salvador Dalí de voz aceitunada!
Digo lo que me dicen tu persona y tus cuadros.
No alabo tu imperfecto pincel adolescente,
pero canto la firme dirección de tus flechas....

desde España....gracias, gabriela